Thursday, January 3, 2008

SharpOS Release

We've gone and finished our proof of concept release! And we posted the news on OSnews. The release downloads are on

It's actually been a couple days since the release hit the Web and we've got some impressing stats already. Our sourceforge download stats are around 450 downloads in the first two days, which we're excited about. A number of cool people have come to visit us in IRC as well, and maybe some of them will want to help us out with our coming milestones over this new year. So far (except for in IRC), we've got only a few comments, but the news is quickly spreading to other websites. To top it off, I managed to not mess up the release too badly (something that is difficult not to do for first releases).

So, if you haven't already, go and get SharpOS from our downloads area and try it out!